占有 & 酒类消费政策



This policy is designed to regulate the possession and consumption of alcohol on campus by members of the University Community and by recognized university organizations and departments. The privilege of consuming beer or wine is extended with the expectation that these activities are to be held under conditions which complement the orderly operation of the University. Off campus groups and organizations contracting with the University for use of facilities are also subject to these regulations.

This policy also seeks to provide alcohol education and awareness and promote human wellness while fostering the most learning-conducive environment for our students, 我们的校园社区, 访客和客人. 进一步, it is the intent of this policy to also provide indication of sanctions and reprimands that may be associated with behavior or academic issues related to possession and consumption of alcohol as a 基督教社会联盟DH student.


拥有, 出售, serving or use of distilled spirits on campus is prohibited at all times except within the privacy of individual living units in 大学的宿舍 for residents 21 years of age and older. 拥有, 出售, 在任何时候都禁止在校园内供应或使用啤酒或葡萄酒, except as allowed under the alcoholic beverage license managed by the 基督教社会联盟DH Foundation 校园餐饮服务 or within the privacy of individual living units in 大学的宿舍.


California State Law imposes criminal penalties for the possession or use of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 years of age and for persons who furnish, 给, 出售或使被出售, 陈设或赠送, 给21岁以下的人喝任何含酒精的饮料. (国家酒精饮料控制法,第25658 - 25665条.)


  1. “服务”的意思是免费赠送或提供.
  2. “Sell”的意思是给予或交换金钱, 票, 代币或其他任何有价值的东西, 直接或间接.
  3. "Appropriate University Official" shall include a University Police Officer or the administrator assigned to be present at the event or his/her designee, 或者如果场合需要的话, 任何比指定人员级别高的管理员.
  4. “封闭式餐饮活动”是指由校园餐饮服务中心提供的仅受邀请的活动.


本政策在加州教育和行政法规的授权下颁布, subsequent resolutions and standing orders of the Board of Trustees and Chancellor of the California State University, 以及大学校长对校园整体福利的责任.

南加州大学学生生活办公室, 招生管理及学生事务处的服务, 指定的大学单位是否负责日常校园生活政策的监督和执行.



官方认可的校园组织, (工作人员, 教师, 辅机, 和行政)可以赞助一个活动,在校园提供啤酒和/或葡萄酒. 赞助这样的活动, 本组织及其成员接受下列责任和条件:

遵守所有适用的州法律和大学政策, 包括遵守申请程序.

  1. 保持与大学环境相适应的礼仪. The sponsoring organization shall cease serving beer or wine at the request of an appropriate university official;
  2. To limit participation to the membership of the sponsoring organization and it's invited guests only and for a specific time frame only;
  3. 不向公众做广告, 校内或校外, 酒精饮料的供应;
  4. To provide for the distribution of non-alcoholic beverages other than water at any event where alcoholic beverages are served;
  5. 确保不向未成年人或醉酒的人提供酒精饮料;
  6. To assure that consumption and service of the beer or wine is at or in the facility designated for the event only.



  1. 出售啤酒或葡萄酒包括兑换金钱、门票、代币或其他任何有价值的东西.
  2. 如果该功能是收费的, 酒精饮料不能作为门票的一部分.
  3. 一般来说,啤酒或葡萄酒的销售将与食品服务结合在一起.



  1. 大学学生会的卫生署体育酒廊
  2. 家得宝国家训练中心
  3. 在由校园餐饮服务中心提供的封闭活动中
  4. 所有非流动校园餐饮服务的餐饮服务地点


  1. Faculty or staff groups may request permission to hold a group sponsored event at which beer and/or wine are to be served by submitting an application to the Director of 校园餐饮服务 or designee at least ten (10) working days before the proposed event. 如果申请被拒绝,团体可向基金会执行董事提出上诉.
  2. University related groups (for example the 校友 Association) may request permission to hold a group sponsored event at which beer and/or wine are to be served by submitting an application, 由大学联络处批准的, to the Director of 校园餐饮服务 or designee at least 10 working days prior to the proposed event. 如果申请被拒绝,团体可向基金会执行董事提出上诉.
  3. Off-campus groups (not university related) shall be limited by the terms of their written contract with the 校园餐饮服务. 根据这些政策,个人不享有任何特权.


The University does not condone or recognize off-campus events involving the serving or consumption of alcohol. 当学生组织选择赞助有酒类广告的校外活动时, such advertisements must not include any connection between the student organization and the University. Non-adherence to this policy would be grounds for immediate loss of campus recognition and registration rights and privileges for any student organization upon completion of a brief investigation.

Off-campus events are also subject to state law for purchasing (no funds as stated above may be used) and/or supplying alcoholic beverages to any minor. Non-adherence to this policy would be grounds for immediate loss of campus recognition and registration rights and privileges for any student organization upon completion of a brief investigation.

The University exercises no supervision and assumes no responsibility to control the serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages off the university premises. 然而, if a university group appears to encourage or tolerate the misuse or abuse of alcohol at off-campus events, 在进行更全面的调查后,可采取适当的纪律处分.


  1. The Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs is responsible for the general enforcement of this policy.
  2. The Executive Director of the Foundation is responsible for the general enforcement of this policy and approval of application (in coordination with the Director of 校园餐饮服务) for all non-student groups.
  3. The University Police will assist with enforcement of this policy for protection of security and to enforce applicable laws.
  4. 校园餐饮服务 staff will assist with enforcement of this policy for protection of the Alcoholic Beverage License and to ensure that applicable laws are enforced.
  5. 违反这一政策的个人可能会受到纪律处分.
  6. 任何大学或学生俱乐部或组织或相关团体的违规行为, 通知和听证后, be cause for the withdrawal of certain campus privileges or loss of recognition of the organization or denial of the use of campus facilities.
  7. 民事和刑事指控、处罚和惩罚也可由有关当局适用.